ERROR IN: select idutenti from utenti where nome_utente = 'admin'
ERROR IN: select datafine from periodi2024 where datafine > '2024-08-01' order by idperiodi

ERROR IN: select idperiodi from periodi2024 where datafine = '2024-08-01'

ERROR IN: select idperiodi from periodi2024 where datafine = '2024-07-31'

ERROR IN: select * from ntariffe2024 where idntariffe < '11' order by idntariffe

ERROR IN: select * from personalizza where idpersonalizza = 'num_categorie_persone' and idutente = '1'

ERROR IN: select * from ntariffe2024 where idntariffe > 10 and nomecostoagg != '' and (mostra_ca LIKE BINARY 's%' or mostra_ca LIKE BINARY 'p%') order by tipo_ca, idntariffe

ERROR IN: select idperiodi from periodi2024 where datainizio <= '2024-12-13' and datafine > '2024-12-13'
Data d'arribada:
Data de sortida:
Quantitat de persones per cada habitació:
Quantitat de habitacions: